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How to fix posture while sitting!!!!

              How to fix posture while sitting!!           What's up, guys?. We're talking all about posture today and if there was a representation of poor posture, it was this young man right here, Jesse. And I know we've been infatuated with themuscle gains that he's been making, but I can tell you this: those muscle gains wouldactually be impossible had he not first fixed his posture. For anyone that's followed this channel forany length of time, I realized that as a physical therapist I have to prioritize posture, especiallywhen we start attacking the strength training program because I don’t think you can physically Put yourself in position to be as strong as possible if you don’t first fix your posture. So we had to do that with Jesse. What did we do? Turn around and show them what you look like,because you kind of look exactly like I just did. You kind of came to me looking like this. If you don’t believe me, yo
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15 Day Challenge - Workout 1

            15 Day Challenge - Workout 1                           Welcome to the 15 day Fit Body ChallengeKaytlin and I are here we are going to be doing these workouts with you guys everysingle day for the next 15 days okay we have some really fun stuff planned somecircuit training where we're going to be doing some weight lifting and also somecardio mixed into them, they're great workouts great for fat burning, boosting yourmetabolism, and not getting bored right we do not like boring workouts here sowe're just going to jump right in and get started okay we're going to startwith push-ups all right we're going to be doing this first set all of ourworkouts are going to be set up in two sets circuits okay two circuits will doeach circuit twice so we're going to be doing 15 reps this first set so we'regonna start with our push-ups and I'm going to explain some things to you aswe go so let's just go ahead and get started ready for 15 all right you guys

5-Minute Workout That Replaces High-Intensity Cardio

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Intense 25 min Full Body FAT BURNING Workout 🙋‍♀️

                                             Workout !!!!!         Hey everyone, welcome to my BLOG !!!! 2020 IT doesn't matter if you’re a beginner or if you’ve been working out a while now I've got both the high Impact and also no jumping low impact version to get you through this So you can do this video on its own or you can join the rest of us with this 35 day free program by following the calendar schedule. I'm also giving away three apple watches So check out the comments below to find out more. So you got everything you need. Oh here on this channel all free So I really appreciate it if you just smash that like button, subscribe and also turn on notification. Oh, so this heaps of other people out there who needs a buddy nee ds motivation So do share your progress in the comments and use my hashtag so this workout consists of four sets with a mix of 20 to 30 seconds of Exercise and 5 to 20 seconds off. We're going to start with a warm-up and end with a cool-down

How to Lose Weight During the Lockdown? – Sadhguru

How to Lose Weight During the Lockdown? –                                                                   Sadhguru       Sadhguru: Your physiological strength in manyways is the foundation for your psychological balance. No, I think food and toilet more... both must be far away. Then you will keep your physiology in a conscious condition. Just because I am laughing and joking about this, don't think there is no problem. There is substantial problem. Speaker: "Sadhguru, during the lockdown wehave gained a lot of weight from over-eating and no physical activity . Can you offer us some simple weight loss tips, please?” Sadhguru: I was in Chennai a few years ago and I was talking to some of the business community in Chennai. They were not particularly obese or something, but little trying to imitate the planet; not by being on a spin, in form I mean (Laughter).  If I had come to Chennai fifty years ago or hundred years ago, in what physical form people would be, in what level

Full Potential Detox Practice - 30 Days of Yoga

                     YOGA PRACTICE    Hey my friends, welcome to my BLOG . I'm PRANAV , All right my friends, today we're going to begin flat on our backs. So take a second to get settled in and center yourself on your mat, or your towel, or wherever you're practicing today, in the grass, in the sand. And then once you get settled in take a moment to rotate the ankles a couple times, and maybe rock on the heels is nice. And we just kindof put away the to-do list and we put away the day thus-far, or perhaps the top of theday, top of the morning. And you're easing into your day right here, right now with your yoga practice. Then allow the toes to fall out and we'lldo the same thing with the hands, just spreading the fingers wide and the wrists rotating one way and then the other. I really like to make the most out of my practice and that leads Into my everyday life, really trying to make the most out of your precious time and your precious bod. So, you can take a mome

How to Make a Blog - Quick & Easy!

How to Make a Blog - Quick & Easy!                      Hi Guys! This is PRANAV !Today, I'm gonna show you how you can create this blog in just FEW minutes So, this is the blog we are going to create It is going to have your own blog address like this and then we're going to create this blog posts then we’re going to create this menu and then we’re also going to create this about me & this follow me section and then we’re going to create this about page and this contact page so that your readers can contact you Now, everything on this blog is going to be mobile friendly so it’s going to look perfect on any mobile device you use Before, we start, just click the link below the video and this will take you to Now the first step is to choose a name for your blog so let’s enter our blog name here I’m gonna keep it as and then click check availability once its available, we can go to the next step which is to get domain and hosting so le