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15 Day Challenge - Workout 1

            15 Day Challenge - Workout 1  


              Welcome to the 15 day Fit Body ChallengeKaytlin and I are here we are going to be doing these workouts with you guys everysingle day for the next 15 days okay we have some really fun stuff planned somecircuit training where we're going to be doing some weight lifting and also somecardio mixed into them, they're great workouts great for fat burning, boosting yourmetabolism, and not getting bored right we do not like boring workouts here sowe're just going to jump right in and get started okay we're going to startwith push-ups all right we're going to be doing this first set all of ourworkouts are going to be set up in two sets circuits okay two circuits will doeach circuit twice so we're going to be doing 15 reps this first set so we'regonna start with our push-ups and I'm going to explain some things to you aswe go so let's just go ahead and get started ready for 15 all right you guysif you're new to doing push ups and push ups on your toes are really hard for youwhat I want you to always do cuz we're going to be doing a lot of push-ups andthat's two weeks I want you to always start on your toes and just do a rep ortwo on your toes okay even if you can only do one that's okay and then drop toyour knees when you need to okay because if you never try them on your toes thenyou'll never know if you can do it kay last one perfect you guys okay let's goahead and grab some weights we're going to be doing an overhead press okay thiswhole workout today is going to be upper body alright let's go ahead and putthose weights up right here like a goal post we're going to press them straightoverhead for 15 here we go good so when you're doing this you guysI want you to bring your elbows down to a little bit lower than your shouldersright here and then push them straight up overhead okay whenever you're pushingweights overhead you can either stand with your feet together like Kaytlin isor you can stand kind of staggered like this with your knees bent either way. goahead push it up nice and straight and last one good job you guys got one moreexercise for this circuit it's gonna be an underhand row okay soyour palms are going to be facing away from you okay I want you to pull yourshoulder blades back bend it forward and we're going to row it up to our hipsokay and here we go up and down row so on these rows you guys I want you tohave a nice flat back okay I don't want you to round your back I don't want tolet your shut your your shoulders come forward like this okay keep them backnice and flat also I want you to think about squeezing your shoulder bladesback in together okay so it squeeze and stretch squeezing them come under thepencil right here along your spine and you're trying to squeeze that pencil andgrab it right there last one perfect okay set those weights aside we've gotour little cardio burst we're going to be doing mountain climbers and buttkicks okay so we're going to start on the floor we're gonna do 30 mountainclimbers each leg 15 but kicks each leg two times okay youready for this and go 30 each leg so you're here in plank okay try to keepyour hips down in line with your shoulders to your toes if you weremaking a straight line okay if you can need to come up a little bit that's okayand you just use that core keep it nice and tight pull your knees into yourchest good how many more Kaitlin would we ask five four three- one hop it up and butt kicks right here 15 when you're doing these you guyskeep your upper body nice and tight okay arms tight against your side's leanslightly forward and pull those heels up towards your buttons high as you can15, k back down to the floor one more time ready go good you guys, modification hereif you need to you can go like this and just alternate tapping your knee or yourtoe in okay good keep going... eight seven, six, five, four, three, two, one hop itup as quick as you can and butt kicks good you guys ten six five four three two and one oh how you feelin good k that was our circuit onewe're gonna take a 60 second rest right now grab a drink and then we're going torepeat that we'll see you in a minute .

                                   All right you guys so last set we did15 reps, this time I want you to grab a little bit heavier weight if you havesome and we're going to do 10 reps okay let's all come down we're going to dopush-ups again okay try to stand your toes for as many as you canhey you ready and here we go okay keep that core nice and tightokay when I say keep your core tight that doesn't really mean like suck yourstomach in that just means keep it tight likepretend, like I said keep it tight pretend like you have a knot, last one,tied to your bellybutton is getting pulled through your back keeping yourcore nice and tight that's kind of what I mean that's a little visual okayoverhead press if you have more than one set of weights I want you to grab yourheavier set for this one okay waist up and let's press for ten here wego so so much of weight training you guys is progressive overload okay whatthat term means is constantly pushing yourself with either a few more reps ora little bit heavier weight or something okay you want to be always pushing to doa little bit more last one and push yourself a little bit harder than youdid before okay all right underhand rail pull those shoulder blades back bend itforward and up. That doesn't necessarily mean that every single workout is going to beharder than the one before it just means that over time you're going to getstronger and you're going to need to be getting heavier weights overtime to keepchallenging yourself good keep going row it last one right there perfect okay youready for a cardio again Kaitlin okay we've got 30mountain climbers coming down to the floorand here we go five if you guys can't go as quick asKaitlyn you just go at your own pace okay you can just go as long as it takesher to do her 30 or you can count your own and go a little bit longer than sthat's fine too good keep going keep that core nice and tight use your abs topull your knees in good stand it up and 15 but kicks here we go five and ten andthere's fifteen come on back down to the floor one more time you guys thirty goodkeep going I know it's tough we're going to get a break in about 30 secondsgood you're halfway through keep going you guys almost there good and four three two one 15 but kickshere we go five and ten and there is your 15 you guyswant you to take your heart rate down a little bit grab a quick drink and wehave some new exercises for you in circuit two okay you guys we've got circuit two foryou so we're do a couple new exercises first one is going to be for the frontof our shoulders so go ahead if you have two sets of weights I want you to grabyour lighter set for this one okay we're going to be doing a front raise soyou're gonna your elbows are going to be slightly bent just kind of soft you'regonna lift them till shoulder height and then back down okay we're going to gofor fifteen ready here we go so what you guys are doing here is you're gonna feelit in the front of your shoulder your shoulder has three heads okay we've gotthis muscle that goes across the top your medial delt anterior delt and yourrear delts okay so you've got three heads that kind of make your wholeshoulder muscle go over that joint okay any front raise like this is going to beworking more the front of your shoulder can you kind of feel it there okayhopefully you guys can - okay I want you to bring it up until you're in line withyour shoulders and then back down on any shoulder move okay last one perfect anyshoulder move you guys if your weight gets a little bit too heavy you can dropthe weight and just make nice hard fists with your hands okay alright next upwe've got bicep curls palms facing out we're just going to do basic curl and 15here we go up down so when you're doing these I want you to make sure that elbowstays pinned to your sides okay when you get tired on curls it's easy to kind ofswing the weights see how my elbows are coming forward and backwards we don'twant to do that pin them right to your sides okay goodkeep going so a lot of people will ask how do you choose the right weight areally good question, how many more did you say? okay I'll answer that question injust a minute last one okay next up we've got tricepkickbacks you're going to have a nice flat back elbows come up and you'regonna push it back and in squeeze in okay.

                                          so if I say we're going to be doing15 reps okay ideally I want you to have a weight that you can just barely finishthose 15 reps with if you feel like you could have done like five or six morereps I want you to increase the weight for the second set okay if you can'tquite get all 15 that's okay just do as many as you can maybe thenext set you decrease the waeight a little bit okay two more if you feellike you could have done one or two more reps that's perfect that's where we wantyou okay good all right we've got our cardio this time we're going to be doing15 jumping jacks 2 burpees 2 times ready Let's show them a burpee really quick. What does this look like? Hands down, hop your feet in and out and jump it up okaymodification let's show them that step your feet in and outstep them in and stand up or jump up okay those are the modifications we're goingto start with 15 jumping jacks and here we go 5 and 10 14 15 good two burpees give me good ones right here try to jump up we'll only doing two guys at a time and 15jumping jacks good halfway 13 14 15 finish up with two more burpees jump itup whoo and that circuit 2 we're gonna do it one more time so grab a quickdrink and come right back all right you guys just like we did withcircuit one we're going to try and push ourselves a little bit more get a littlebit heavier weight and do ten reps of each exercise okay so let's grab our weightsto do our front raises for ten and here we go up don't lock out those elbowsokay I want them see how mine are slightly soft just barely bent that'show we want them here's five good okay three more right here don't lift them anyhigher than your shoulders just in line with your shoulders last one good flipit around let's go right into bicep curls ready here we goten good you guys keep going pin those elbows against your sidesknees are soft good stand up good nice and tall whenever weup I always lose count last one okay last thing we've got our tricep kickbackgood flat back elbows up and push it back so on these you guys make surethose elbows stay high okay and I want you to really squeeze through yourtricep as you push it back so it's squeeze and back in good squeeze itsqueeze and stretch perfect last one all right you guys ready to finish off thisfirst workout I want everybody to jump on their burpees okay can we all do thattogether yeah we can okay 15 jumping jacks ready and go 5... 10 and 15 - burpees ready and jumpgood luck once okay 15 jumping jacks, 5 you guys are doing awesome keep goingten and last two burpees go give me good jumps nice and high last onewhew it was awesome good job you guys you finished workout one of the 15 dayfit body challenge Kaytlin and I will be back here with a lower body workout foryou tomorrow so we'll see you then 


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