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Basic Taekwondo Skills

                 Basic Taekwondo Skills 

 Charyot is attention stance. Put both heels together, drop your arms naturally at your side and look straightahead. Kyung Rye is bow. When you bow bend the upper body 45-degrees. Joonbee  isready stance. Put both of your feet shoulder-width apart. Joochoomsoogi is horse riding stance. Bend both knees and drop your hip. Baro is back to readystance. Shui is relax or at ease stance.

 Kyorugi Jase is a fighting stance.Put your feet one step distant apart and put hands up to cover your upper body. ApKubi is a front stance. This stance is good for practicing basic blocking andpunching techniques. When you punch from fighting stance use your other hand tocover your face and upper body. Turn your body into the punch for maximum power.After punching return quickly to fighting stance. Practice slowly todevelop good form of the technique then practice quickly to develop speed andpower. In knife hand striking begin from behindyour ear rotate your hand into the strike and use your whole body for morepower. Palm striking begins from your chest hitting the target with the heelof your hand. Elbow striking uses a circular motion ofthe entire body to create a circular force

. Hit the target with your forearm. Thereare three things to remember to make a successful kick: balance, sense of naturalness and focused energy control. For knee kicking first secure your frontfoot firmly on the ground bending front knee slightly and pick upyour rear knee to the front. Drop your both hands close to your knees simultaneously. Knee kick is called Moorup Chagi.   Front kick is a called Ap Chagi. Pick upyour knee as high as the target and gently send up your food out to thetarget. 

Roundhouse kick is a called DollyoChagi. Your kicking leg is turning around the central axle between 45 to 90 degreepivoting your standing foot about 180 degrees. First pick up your knee like kneekicking then pivot your standing foot and turn your body, making your footperpendicular to the target and then kick in with your other foot withoutlosing the balance. I personally recommend you to practiceall kicking techniques at the beginning stage holding the stretching bar, wall orchair or even on the floor to develop the sense of a balance. As you progressyou may increase speed power and the variety of targets. Jitgi is the oneof the most important skills to improve your mobility. By practicing Jitgi youcan learn about the relationship between your bodily position and your partner oropponent. The first basic footwork is in place switching step calledJejari Bal Bakwo. The second footwork is one step incalled Naga Jitgi. The third is sliding in step calledMikoro Jitgi. Then you can make a combination of aswitching stance and one step in. 


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